
Nine-Year-Old wish Boy's granted to create its own set of iOS

GeekWire has a large story today on how PopCap Games has helped to achieve nine years Owain Weinert?s dream to work with him to create his very own iOS game. Owain?s dream is realized as a result of the incredible folks at Make-a-Wish Foundation to help ill children realize their dreams. Owain, who has pre - B acute lymphoblastic leukemia, has passed in recent weeks with the developers to PopCap creating its game of shooting in the third person, Allied Star Police. The game will emerge in the coming months, with products benefiting from the Make-a-Wish Foundation. ?It was a really fun experience and all members of the team were really fun, and that they did what they could to help me and make my ideas to come to life, ?, Owain told TechFlash. ?They are really, really funny and crazy - type and I do not see that as an insult, it?s a statement of fact! ? According to the producer game?s, Kirk Scott, also speak of TechFlash, Owain was very professional and really laid out his vision of the game to PopCap team with a PowerPoint presentation!

Owain was presented with its own full iPad with a copy of its pre-loaded game, at a special evening at the offices of PopCap?s last week.

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