
Newbie here and I have a few questions re books:

OK, so I wrote a book and tried to promote in various Kindle and corner forums. It is also in the IPAD Bookstore but here's the problem.

Unless you have an IPAD, you cannot see it. This contrasts to the Kindle and corner bookstores that anyone with a computer can see online and can be downloaded even if they do not have a Kindle or nook.

So why does Apple let the general public to see the contents of their Bookstore? It almost seems that they are not really interested in selling books to everyone, except the IPAD owners. I am missing something?

I can't even post a link to my book here in the Ibook store. If you look at other writers, they display the links to Amazon or Barnes and Noble, which is what I do here.

By the way, if you are interested, the book is entitled: "I'm George, mwm, 52" and it is the anguish of a man married to a woman who treats it as a piece of furniture. In fact, it deals with better furniture.

Update may 3, I finally found a link to my book for the Ipad and perhaps that I wish I was not due the exams are not sympathetic, at least, but at least people have strong views on this subjectwhich must be good. Right? Mt = 11

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