A cool new dock from Starr Labs will turn your iPad into a guitar called the iTar. All you have to do is turn your iPad on its side and put it into the dock that becomes the neck of the guitar. This comes complete with strings that can actually be played, and, by fiddling your iPad screen and playing the strings on the neck you can actually play the instrument, in a more real-life experience than with Guitar Hero. We’d even venture to say it comes fairly close to actually playing a regular guitar.

Starr Labs is known more for making high-end MIDI guitar controllers that are way out of most players’ budget, but iTar promises to be “accessible-cool”, selling for the price of $200. For even more exciting news, the iPad’s touchscreen and computing power leaves the door open for using the iTar not only as a guitar, but as a drumkit, synth, compositional tool, teaching aid and anything you can design and app for. We are actually eager to see what apps developers will come up with once the iTar is out on the market, as it would make a great learning device for a lot of people.

However, on the downside, the iTar doc hasn’t gone into mass production yet, as the producers are looking for investors to get things rolling. They’ve gone to Kickstarter, hoping to raise the needed $50,000 by December 6th – a short term wishlist, if you ask us.