
4.2.1 & snes4iphone

Hi Guys,

My first post, i have been on the forums for a while now, but never had anything of note to contribute. Hoping someone can help me out now.

My iPad is 4.2.1 tethered jailbreak and works a treat, I am trying to install snes4iphone, but when it installs it gets half way through and errors out giving me a 'hash sum mismatch' error. (This is when it is installing the Mobile Substrate on the bottom of the install window).

I OK this error and it tells me to respring (or words to that effect), reloads back to the main ipad screen (however it doesnt lose the jailbreak upon reload). But snes4iphone doesnt install.

Ive tried searching the web for similar problems but havent been able to locate any. Does snes4iphone work with 4.2.1 JB or have I just donated 6 bucks to the Help Cydia fund?


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