
jailbroken ipad connector issues

I have an iPad that I've had for several months now. It's been jailbroken since I got it. However, last night I went to plug it into my wall next to my bed to charge and it didn't recognize being plugged in. I brought it out and tried the connector plugged into my computer and iTunes won't recognize it.

I tried my iTouch with both cables and they work fine. Reading some of the forums in here I figured I would try a reboot. However, now I'm stuck at the Apple logo. I read further about using redsn0w and using the "just boot tethered" option. However, since my iPad dock connector seems to be having issues, it won't recognize my iPad in DFU mode (and I've had it in DFU mode plenty of times so I know I'm doing it right).

My problem is, if it's a faulty connector, since I'm jailbroken and can't get in to do a factory reset, am I screwed? This is a hefty investment to lose out on.

Any help would be awesome. Even if someone can recommend a quick fix for the connector just so I can do a factory reboot. Also, I live a good 3 or 4 hours from the nearest Apple store, so swinging it in isn't really an option.

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