

Yes - one PC is a file-centric system, an iPad system centered on the app. OK - this means that each application gets to keep his own "staff" to copy a file that works, but this prevents the iPad vaccination against the virus.

Apple made the decision to "sandbox" programs (apps) in the iPad. This means that applications have only a very limited to interact - ability and this interaction is * absolutely * controlled by the operating system (IOS). So if you tried to write a program "virus" for the iPad, it would have no effect, because he could not interact with any other program or the operating system.

Which, inevitably, has other consequences and imposes restrictions on what can make programs. In Windows, for example, applications (programs) can interact and this can be very useful. If some programmers (clever) find a way of "prison break" the iPad and remove this restriction (effectively "jailbreaking" means that your iPad can 'run' non-Apple approved apps since the site Web of Cydia, where they make these available non-approved applications). That they run now "unauthorized" apps on the iPad "abusing" the removal of this restriction. The downside - technically a "prison broken" iPad may be vulnerable to viruses.

But don't worry: a "normal" (non-broken prison) iPad is not vulnerable to any "virus" that deflecting a programmer might write "infect" a broken prison iPad. So your it Manager should have no worries - if your iPads are not "jailbreaké" they are absolutely immune to viruses.

Basically, if you accept the restrictions Apple places on your iPad and no prison break, you are totally safe - a virus cannot "infect" you.

In addition, any "app", a normal (non-prison broken) iPad can download will have been carefully checked and approved by Apple, so could contain any malicious code...

OK - I'll get "infringed ' by the iPad"jail breakers"- sorry for the play on words ' but, at bottom, you are safe.".

Apple have a number of "white papers" and other documents on their web site dealing with this issue if you want the links...

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