
Power Support Anti-Glare Rant (PLEASE HELP!)

Sorry for the caps in the title, but I'm so upset I don't know what to do.

I've just literally WASTED $60 on these screen protectors.

They start to go on fine, but they are dust MAGNETS! The first one was kinda ok, but I had some dust I couldn't get from the center. So I tried the tape trick, and it only made it worse.

Second one, same EXACT thing. Out of the package, full of dust. As soon as you peel it a little bit from the backing, it clings to it like glue...and you can't get it off.

I'm desperate now, and I've read only bad reviews for the Zagg apparently shows a "staticy" look to it.

I'm really wanting an anti-glare, but I obviously cannot install it myself.

No other company that I know of installs aside from Zagg.

Please assist ASAP! My iPad is naked right now, and I really don't like that.

I've never had an issue installing Power Support films to my iPod touch before, and I know the iPad is a challenge, but I just can't seem to catch a break!

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