A new series of photos has been leaked from a Foxconn factory in Brazil, one of Apple’s main manufacturers, showing what is assumed to be the new iPhone 4S, an improved version of the latest phone.
Its codename, “N90A,” leads us to believe that it is indeed the iPhone 4S that last week’s iTunes update leaked information about, because iPhone 4’s codename was “N90 “before its release. According to the photographs there are no external differences between the devices, but more than likely the 4S will be a dual phone, working on both CDMA and GSM networks.

The photographs were taken by Gizmodo’s local Brazilian site. They claim they got a reporter inside Apple’s manufacturer’s facility and took photos of the new model in production.

Although some have talked about the possibility that the iPhone 4S will be the only new device announced on the press event scheduled for October 4th, others have pointed out that evidence of another phone codenamed “N94” have also surfaced. Apart from the different name dubbed by the manufacturers, there are also reports of photographs presenting a differently designed iPhone in the AT&T inventory system as well as silicone sleeves at the same store.

Reports show that the new iPhone 5 will have a new design, but also a new OS, dubbed iOS 5, that will feature new technologies that will attract new buyers and old iPhone users alike. Also, it is rumored that the new Apple phone will have a better camera and internal processor, thus making data processing faster.